November 11, 2017

Berg in October 2017

Here are the photos of Berg from October 2017. I would have loved to dress up Berg for Halloween, but he hates being touched.

Is that mommy's new camera?! 
Mommy got a new Panasonic LUMIX LX10.

I love my cozy little box.

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I'm still scared of mommy's new camera.

Berg under the bird cage.

Berg taking a nap.

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Berg taking a nap.

He's so chubby. XD

Did mommy just call me chubby? GASP!

Berg taking a nap.

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Berg napping next to the vacuum cleaner.

Bunny Butt

That is all the photos of Berg in October. I hope you have enjoyed it. Don't forget to keep in touch with the social media sites which can be found here. I hope you loved the photos. If you did, please don't forget to share the blog post with friends!

Berg The Bunny - August 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in August 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business.

Music Used: Cute -

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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Berg The Bunny - September 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in September 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business. The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 2.

Music Used: Morning Sun - Nicolai Heidlas

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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November 10, 2017

Berg The Bunny - April 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in April 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business and me showing him some bunny love. XD The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 1 and Part 2.

Music Used: Morning Sun by Nicolai Heidlas

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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Berg The Bunny - July 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in July 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business.

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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Berg The Bunny - June 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in June 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business. The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 2.

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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My Bunny, New Dress, Product Haul - May 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him during May. I also show you my new dress, do a product product haul, and show off my new camping gear. The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 2.

Full product links list can be found in the video description on YouTube.

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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November 08, 2017

Berg The Bunny - March 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in March 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business and me showing him some bunny love. XD The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 2.

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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Bunny & Pleasanton Flooding - February 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

In this vlog, I show you my pet bunny Berg and flooding of the Arroyo Del Valle Creek in Pleasanton, CA. I know you guys love my pet bunny Berg, so in this video, you can watch him do bunny business. I also shot videos of the flooded Arroyo Del Valle Creek. The creek has now turned into a river due to the recent San Francisco Bay Area mega storms. There are many downed trees in the creek, and the creek has risen to a level where parts of the trail is now underwater. The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 1 and Part 3.

Arroyo Del Valle Creek Cellphone Photos (2/16/2017)

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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Berg The Bunny - January 2017 Vlog

I'm Sunny and I'm Berg's mommy. I recently decided to start a blog for him. I will post the video blogs of him from each month up until current time to catch this blog up.

I know a lot of you YouTubers and my followers on social media love my bunny, Berg. I shot some video footage of him in January 2017, so I hope you enjoy watching him going about his bunny business. :) The rest of my month's shenanigans is in Part 2 and Part 3.

Berg's YouTube Playlist
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

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